Please join your fellow Columbians for a special evening at the Palais Eynard Geneva's City Hall. We will be hosted by fellow alum (LAW) Mr Guillaume Barazzone current Executive Council Member of the City of Geneva (Head of Department of Urban Environment and Security) and Member of the Swiss Parliament (MP). Mr Barazzone has served in a variety of positions in Geneva government, including most recently as Mayor in 2016-2017. We will have a discussion with Mr Barazzone about his role in Geneva government and Swiss parliament and the role we as a Columbians can play in Geneva. Mr Barazzone will take questions from the audience followed by a cocktail reception. Space is limited to 75 persons, so sign up NOW!
CHF 15 per person. The event is included in the annual dues of CHF 50 for those who pay them prior to the event.
Payment can be made at the door or in advance to the Columbia Alumni Club of Geneva- CH68 0024 0240 1580 1901 C - please put the name of the event in the reference line as well as an indication if you are paying your annual dues.