September 27, 2021

Basel: Art Basel Parcours 2021

Dear alumni

We did it again! After our nice hike this summer, the representatives from the different schools (SAMBA, NYU, IE University, Insead and Columbia University) joined together to organize another joint event. We broadened our traditional event at the Art Basel to a joint event with the other schools.




Last year there was no Art Basel. And two years ago, we went for the first time together to the Parcours of the Art Basel. The Parcours is a curated part of the Art Basel, where art pieces, especially sculpture – but not exclusively – are spread out in the city of Basel, located in court yards and accessible buildings. With the alumni of a range of schools, we turned out to be a nice sized group of about twenty. We met in front of the Muenster Basel, and went from there in a big group from location to location. Maybe we were a bit too slow, or probably were too interested about the exhibited art, because we didn't make all the locations. At some of the works of art, there were guards, which were very knowledgeable, and they gladly explained the art piece to the whole group. The last location before closing, was at the theater. There we ended our tour, and some went home from there, others joint for a drink on the theater terrace. On the terrace, beside the big Richard Serra sculpture, was the "Extrabar" by Nomad. Once again, it was a nice event, with interesting art to see, and interesting conversation to have.




Philippe Waelle, President Basel chapter
Corinna Grisostomi, Event Officer

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  • Philippe Waelle
    published this page in News 2021-09-27 23:01:30 +0200